Looking around Sweetwater County, with businesses reopening and people enjoying the warm June weather, one could be mistaken for thinking the pandemic is over and we’re in the clear.
Yes, restaurant servers are wearing masks and many of the annual summer events have been postponed for the year, but people are starting to behave like COVID-19 is in the past. It isn’t.
States that have reopened are seeing a resurgence in coronavirus infections. While a vaccine in the works appears promising, estimates suggest the United States could have more than 200,000 deaths related to the viral disease by September should infection rates continue. It would be economically disastrous and not feasible to close everything again in response to a second spike in cases locally. However, we shouldn’t ignore the virus and pretend it’s not here.
Residents should wear their masks when out in public. Visiting a grocery store or partaking in an activity where social distancing might be difficult makes wearing a mask a key precaution in limiting the virus’ spread.
Masks help by limiting the spread of oral and nasal droplets, creating a barrier to prevent wide distribution from a cough or sneeze.
Other measures, such as frequent hand washing and distancing from groups of people can severely cut the possibility of transmitting or being exposed to the disease.
Another major thing people can do is this: stay home if they’re not feeling well. Sweetwater County has more than its share of hard-working people living within the county. While many feel an obligation to not let their coworkers down or not take that sick day, people should not prioritize their job over their health, especially if they believe they have a communicable disease.
We’re fortunate that no one in Sweetwater County has died from the disease. As of this writing, only 32 people have contracted the virus and all but 10 have recovered. While seven new cases were reported Monday, it’s also important to realize that number represent the bottom number of those who contracted it, not the complete story.
As such, it’s important to follow various health directives.
Please, wear the mask.
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