Senior center reopens

After being closed for more than two months, Golden Hour Senior Center recently reopened to host limited activities for the city's senior population.

"It felt like the world opened back up," Eva Wagner said.

Wagner and her friend Frankie Vaughn were participating in the chair exercise program Monday morning. The two live at Mansface Apartments and struggled as the world closed off in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

"Being confined was depressing," Vaughn said.

Vaughn recently moved to the area from Arkansas, finding Wyoming to be a beautiful place. However, she relocated to the area as coronavirus restrictions took hold, forcing her to follow social distancing guidelines and was unable to meet a lot of people.

For Wagner, the difficulty was with the senior center being a place she visited daily, playing pinochle and eating lunch with friends she's made since moving to Green River from Lovell.

The two did word puzzles and read, waiting for restrictions to ease up.

After the center opened, the two have taken part in many of the activities offered, including Bingo, which meets its 10 participant limit quickly.

Irish Kreis, the activities coordinator for the center, said she expects a wider activity offering in July if restrictions continue to ease.

"People are really happy to come to the center, even on a limited basis," she said.

However, she also recognizes the need to open things slowly as the center primarily deals with people who could be severely impacted by COVID-19.


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