Letter: GRPD shows kindness to resident

Dear Editor,

Have you ever been afraid because of the color of your skin? Have you ever been afraid based on ethnicity and even religious beliefs? I spent all morning visiting with a young man with an ethnic descent and we discussed an environment that I was aloof to.

This young man has experienced difficulties due to his ethnical descent and shared experiences that caused me discomfort and awe. This even in our own county. This is a prerequisite to what I have to offer.

I received a phone call from San Antonio, Texas. I do not know anyone there and have never been there, though the message stated that there is a warrant for my arrest.

Naturally, understanding that I have not done anything wrong, nor have I been to Texas, nor have I encouraged anything illegally that caused me to think if I had done anything wrong. That being said, I was curious as to why there would be a warrant for my arrest.

So, I blew it off, however, my wife felt like it should be reported. So, she called the police department to report the incident in an effort to make sure or clear my name, or just find information. This is where the story begins. After calling the Green River Police Department, I shared this story and an officer was dispatched immediately.

In about 10 minutes, there was a knock on the door, and it was an officer from the Green River Police Department. He told us his name though I cannot remember with all that has been presented publicly, it is hard pressed to trust our public representatives.

He was kind and we invited him in. With his training and through protocol, he expressed true value and leadership in his endeavor to answer and follow protocol. We asked him to sit down, he said: “Thank you, but no.”

He stood by cautionary and a value that I would expect and encourage in those that have dedicated themselves to uphold the law.

Our question was simple: “Am I a villain? Do I have a warrant? Has somebody done something in my name that I need to know about?” This comes from an awareness of identity theft and how it can mess up your whole life. This did encourage our response to get the police involved.

Back to the story, a young police officer knocked on our door, courageous, and ready for what he might encounter.

Yes, I invited this officer into my home; and no, he was unwilling to sit. He stood, he listened, he called in my name and number, and validated what I already knew. In the duration of the time that he spent in my home, I could hear dispatch ask if everything was okay, and he responded accordingly. I’ve shared a story; with all the controversy that is going on in America and all the nay-sayers about our public forces, there are those individuals who may make bad choices, though I want to express gratitude to the Green River Police force who have dedicated their lives to keep our community safe, to protect our children, as well as stopping by and making me feel like I am safe.

Every officer that I have met in Green River has shown nothing but kindness. I know that this cannot only be here, though I believe that it is worldwide. I think there are amazing individuals that have taken on the responsibility to enforce, and this must be incredibly difficult. I personally want to express my gratitude for the environment that I live in, for the Green River Police force, and their dedication to serve. It was proven by an officer, after a call, that knocked on my door. Officer Stuhmer responded in an effort to alleviate fear. A fear that was so superficial and yet he was still there. He came into the home and represented. He left in the same way, but what he doesn’t know is the safety and security that I feel in my home, knowing that he and others that work for the Green River Police force work towards in building a community and an environment that I absolutely am grateful to raise my children in. This is a “shout out” to the Green River Police Department and an opportunity to offer gratitude for the environment that they have worked to encourage. I personally want to share my gratitude to those who are willing and have been willing to serve in Sweetwater County, especially Green River.

A large part of the success of our community is because of them and the enforcement that keeps our family safe.

Clyde Golightly

Green River


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