More polling places added

The Sweetwater County Clerk’s Office is adding two more polling places to address concerns about voting in the county’s outlaying communities.

One polling location will be added in Farson while the other will be added in Wamsutter.

Initially, the clerk’s office limited the number of locations to seven within Green River and Rock Springs after the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office requested counties reduce the number of polling places to seven.

According to a press release from the Sweetwater County Clerk’s Office, the initial directive was influenced by fears of spreading COVID-19 amongst voters.

Curbside voting will be available during the elections at the Sweetwater County Courthouse.

Residents are also able to vote using an absentee ballot, which can either be mailed or dropped off, or make use of an early vote center at the county courthouse starting July 13 until Aug. 17, from 8:30 a.m., to 4 p.m.


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