Western receives commencement variance

Western Wyoming Community College has received approval from local and state health officials for its first variance to allow students to complete their spring labs and hands-on curriculum in-person.

Additionally, the College’s Commencement Ceremony will be virtual and interactive on June 27.

Starting Monday, students will have new safety protocols with guidelines for being on the Rock Springs campus. Western’s campus is still closed to the public until at least July 6. There have been limited exceptions granted for students who need to live in the Residence Halls to complete the courses outlined in the first variance.

The new safety guidelines direct students and employees to enter the building through the main entrance only, and require face coverings. After entering, they must fill out a health form and have their temperatures recorded. While these guidelines can be challenging, the health and safety of students, employees, and community members is of utmost importance to the College.

In light of COVID-19 conditions, Western’s Commencement Ceremony will take place June 27 at 1 p.m., in both a virtual and interactive format. Students and their immediate families are invited to park on campus and tune in to Mustang Radio on 91.3 FM.

Immediately following the ceremony, students, their families, and the community are encouraged to participate in the Mustang Stampede parade to cheer on the graduates. For those outside Sweetwater County, a virtual graduation video will be available for streaming.

Both the ALEKS and McCann tests are available online and seem to be working very well for prospective students. However, for students who do not have a computer or internet capabilities at home, the Green River Center (GRC) will be happy to schedule a time for the student to come to the GRC and take the test with the assistance of one of our proctors.

Some Workforce training will be allowed at the GRC and the Rock Springs campus from May 18 through July 5 and will be required to follow the same directives as the Rock Springs campus regarding temperature checks and face coverings.

“I am proud of the way our Western family has handled the COVID-19 crisis - especially our graduates. They have persevered in obtaining their degrees in such unprecedented circumstances. I hope the community can join together in celebrating these students’ hard work and grit at Commencement as they take the next steps into their unique journeys,” Kim Dale, President of Western said.

The College is in the process of building a Commencement page on their website with more information.


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