Girl Scout leaders honored

Five Green River Girl Scout leaders were recognized for their local contributions to the organization, earning awards for their accomplishments.

Vicki Oliver, Kris Sherwin and Dottie Lacquement received the Girl Scout Appreciation Pin, which recognizes a person’s service in support of providing Girl Scout Leadership Experience. According to a media release, their service had a measurable impact on a geographic area and helped reach and surpass the organization’s mission-delivery goals for the area.

Chelsie Kirts was recognized as a Volunteer of excellence, an award recognizing volunteers for outstanding service to girl and adult members at the troop level.

Megan Nielsen and Sherwin received the Thanks Badge, the highest honor available in Girl Scouts. The badge honors people who have shown an ongoing commitment to leadership and service that have had a successful and measurable impact on the organization’s goals and priorities.

Each year, Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming formally recognizes adult Girl Scout members who have been nominated by fellow volunteers for significant accomplishments and approved by the GSMW Board of Directors.

Girl Scouts is always in need of additional volunteers and encourages adults—young or old, male or female to consider volunteering. Volunteering opportunities with Girl Scouts are tailored to fit a person’s calendar, skills, and interests.


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