MHSC receives masks

From Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County

It seems that private 3D printer owners all over the world are picking up where manufacturing plants have left off.

Sweetwater County is no exception. Zack Pendleton is among a few area 3D printer owners who are helping area healthcare professionals come up with much needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Pendleton, using a 3D printed frame and a 4 mil clear plastic sheet, created 100 face shields he donated to Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County.

“It’s not the most beefy plastic, but it should work to protect people,” Pendleton said. “It’s a slight variation on a design that’s been sent to other hospitals all over the world. I think it should work.”

Angel Bennett, Sweetwater Memorial Materials Management Director, said the face shields definitely will work.

“These are better than some we have gotten from manufacturing companies,” she said. “We can’t thank him enough.”

Pendleton said his machines can produce about 30 frames over a 36-hour period. He dropped off the finished products last week. The Sweetwater County Emergency Operations Center also has about 10 3D printers available to make PPE, including its own. Others include RJ Piper at New Studio Photography and Framing, Western Wyoming Community College, Sweetwater County School District No., and Sweetwater County School District No. 2.

“Kathy Stanton has worked diligently to make their printers available to the EOC,” said Chief PIO Jason Mower.

“The EOC’s goal is to print 500 reusable N95 masks and provide a mask and an extra filter to every law enforcement officer, firefighter and EMT in Sweetwater County,” Mower said.

Anyone with questions on how to donate PPE to the hospital can contact Materials Management at 307-352-8487. PPE donations for distribution through the EOC can contact the Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce at 307-362-3771.


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