County assessments mailed to residents

From the Sweetwater County Assessor’s Office

Within the next few days, county residents will be receiving their 2020 Notice of Value according to Dave Divis, Sweetwater County Assessor. Individuals who have signed up for the e-notice program should see their electronic assessments very shortly. Residents should take the time to look over the notices, as they will be the basis for the 2020 property taxes being mailed in September.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the closure of the courthouse to the general public, Divis is encouraging homeowners to direct any and all questions to the phone numbers listed below. Divis said the office is committed to answering all of your questions regarding the value of your property. In the event office employees are mandated to remain home, please send all questions to our email address:

Residents are urged to be patient, while we have made arrangements to work from home if necessary, it is not as efficient as being in the office. The office will return the email as fast as possible and do its best to answer all questions.

Homes are valued by calculating the replacement cost new, subtracting depreciation, and then trending for sales. The Wyoming Department of Revenue provides the cost data to all 23 assessors in the state and there was a slight increase in the cost tables this year. The sales information collected during calendar year 2019 is used to value property for tax year 2020. In 2019 there were 561 valid residential sales in Sweetwater County with an average sale price of $252,915. Commercial properties will see a small increase in value due to overall sales for the last few years.

Please review the information on the Notice of Value. If there is a disagreement with the value of a property, residents have 30 days from the “date mailed” to discuss the value with the assessor.

Residents who have been receiving the Veteran’s Exemption and there is not an amount in the lower right-hand corner of the Notice of Value please contact the office by the May 25 to receive the exemption for the 2020 tax year. The taxes seen on the Notice of Value do not reflect the Veteran’s Exemption.

After looking over the assessment schedule, for those who have any questions or concerns about the valuation of their property, please call the assessor’s office.

We enjoy taking the time to explain the valuation process to residents of our county.

Phone numbers are – Green River, 872-3700


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