City closes playgrounds

Parks still open

As part of a continuing response to the COVID-19 coronavirus’ spread, the Green River Parks and Recreation Department is closing all playgrounds in Green River last week.

“I cannot emphasize this enough, parks are open, this is the closure of playgrounds,” Parks and Recreation Director Brad Raney said.

The closure is indefinite, as the department will wait until receiving advice for reopening the playgrounds from local and state health officials, as well as the National Recreation and Parks Association. Signs regarding the closure were posted April 1.

“We have great and responsible citizens in Green River and we anticipate most will make good choices to keep themselves and their neighbors safe and respect the closure,” Raney said.

Despite the playgrounds being closed, Raney said he hopes residents utilize parks and trails to get some outdoor physical activity.

From A1

Green River’s parks encompasses approximately 850 acres of both undeveloped and developed parkland, which Raney said gives every residents more than 3,000 square feet of space if the city’s population were out at the same time.

That acreage doesn’t include recreational opportunities outside of the city’s limits.

“This is a luxury we enjoy in Green River that few other cities can and a blessing in our current situation to be able to get outside and take a walk while maintaining ample physical distance,” Raney said.


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