SEDC creates business recovery team

As the Sweetwater Economic Development Coalition continues to establish itself at the county courthouse, it’s already working on helping area businesses weather the economic storm caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kayla McDonald, Economic Development Specialist for SEDC, said organizations like the SEDC often have a business recovery team to help businesses respond to disasters. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the SEDC board decided to from a team.

Those involved in the team include Green River City Administrator Reed Clevenger, Western Wyoming Community College President Kim Dale, David Caplan of Genesis Alkali, and Jenissa Meredith of Sweetwater County Travel and Tourism.

The aim is to provide businesses a recovery center, which would function as a place to find Small Business Administration loans, grants, consulting, and other needs.

“The way we see it, it would be a one-stop type shop,” Eric Bingham, the Sweetwater County Land Use director said. Bingham oversees the SEDC since it transferred from the Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce to the Sweetwater County Courthouse.

McDonald said the group has looked at similar recovery centers offered chambers of commerce in Salt Lake City and other areas.

Right now, the location for the center hasn’t been determined, though McDonald said it will likely be placed in Rock Springs.

McDonald said the process has been a learning experience for the group, saying they’re addressing gaps they find as they establish the recovery center.

While the SEDC is establishing its business recovery center, Bingham said the organization continues working on economic development opportunities in the Middle Baxter Road area near the Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport. Bingham said the targeted market study’s preliminary results should be available in April.

“We are still working on (economic diversification,)” Bingham said.


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