Castle Rock moves respiratory clinic

In an attempt to limit the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, Castle Rock Hospital District has opted to move the medical center’s respiratory clinic to its ambulance barn on Uinta Drive.

The Castle Rock Ambulance Service will now respond to calls from the Green River Fire Station.

“We can respond immediately to any call ... it’s business as usual,” Bailie Dockter, CEO of the hospital district, said.

Dockter said all ambulance equipment and employees were moved out and the ambulance barn, which was then cleaned and sanitized prior to moving the clinic to ensure pathogens unknowingly left by ambulance staff were destroyed.

The county’s first coronavirus case was seen by Castle Rock Medical Center’s respiratory clinic and Dockter said the staff were able to fully prepare beforehand. Dockter also said the medical center has ordered 30 coronavirus tests and as of last week, patients suffering from any upper respiratory issues will be seen at the clinic. Patients who suspect they may have been infected with COVID-19 and notice symptoms are asked to call 872-4590 ahead of arriving to allow the clinic’s staff to prepare the examination room and don full protective gear. She also urges anyone who suspects they may have the illness to stay home otherwise.

“The best way we can stop the spread of this in the community is if you stay home,” she said.

She also urges people to avoid public spaces.

Ambulance workers have been provided with protective gear and are working with dispatchers to determine if an emergency patient has upper respiratory symptoms -- giving emergency responders a chance to wear the gear before arriving. Ambulances will also be sanitized after each call involving someone with those symptoms.


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