City prepares for 2020 Census

As the first day of the 2020 Census approaches, people within Green River are striving to make sure they count as many residents as possible.

The census, which starts April 1, means a lot of money for Green River. The census figures are used to determine the percentage of sales tax distributed to the cities in Sweetwater County. Last time, the oil and gas boom fueled population growth in Rock Springs, which resulted in Green River losing funding because the gains in Rock Springs shifted the population percentages in both cities.

“We want to be in the best position we can be in,” Mayor Pete Rust said.

Preparation for the census started last autumn, when representatives of the United States Census Bureau hosted a meeting with city representatives about the process involved. Now, Rust said city representatives are contacting local organizations to help count residents.

Rust said it’s important to get people registered as soon as possible because people tend to forget if they put it off.

So far, Rust said they’re looking to get community organizations involved with the census, saying he intends to contact local churches to get involved. He also said the Sweetwater County Library System may also get involved to help.

“I’m optimistic we can get a high number of participants,” Rust said.


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