Our view: Be safe on snowy roads

Winter driving in Wyoming isn’t fun.

We’re not talking about the kind of driving where someone is on their way to their favorite ice fishing hole or a weekend trip of skiing or sledding. We’re referring to the everyday, Point A to Point B driving that sometimes needs to be done in the middle of a snowstorm.

Our building’s position on Uinta Drive gives us a unique perspective as to how busy the ambulance crews from Castle Rock Ambulance Service are. On particularly nasty days, it isn’t unusual to hear sirens and watch ambulances drive down the hill several times within a few hours. Snowy days tend to be busy for both them and the Green River Fire Department.

On days like Monday that see a heavy snowstorm hit the county, we find ourselves repeating advice that would be best listened to: in the snow, take it slow.

It isn’t unusual to see someone driving along Interstate 80, speeding along at 60 mph or more when the variable speed limit signs are flashing a much lower number. This is especially true early in the morning. Big trucks, big wheels and a big engine can do a lot, but they’re not absolute insurance policies against road conditions. Careless and unnecessarily fast driving can result in disaster for even the best drivers.

Professional drivers should take caution too, as a recent collision between a semi truck and a Wyoming Department of Transportation snow plow revealed last week. The collision, occurring east of Rock Springs, resulted in the plow being flipped on its side and injuries to the plow’s driver.

The only thing we can say is stay safe out there. During a heavy snowstorm, if the trip isn’t necessary, don’t go. Also, keep an eye on road and weather conditions when making those trips that simply can’t wait. WYDOT has a series of webcams set up along the interstate to allow people a chance to see what those roads look like. Finally, remember to drive slowly and increase the distance between vehicles if following someone.

Winter driving isn’t fun and sometimes is unavoidable. During those times when it can’t be avoided, stay safe.


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