Charges upset realtors

Recent charges for use of the county’s iDoc records system has created escalating tensions between realtors and Sweetwater County, with one realtor having retained an attorney to represent her.

According to a press release on the Sweetwater County Clerk’s Office website, the system was upgraded to allow people to view and print county records form their home or office. The record include mortgages, land records, liens, warranty deeds, as well as other land records.

“ There are no public records fees associated with this convenience,” the release states. “The fee is for data-based access to iDoc Market from your home or business office for the viewing and printing of documents at your convenience.”

Following the upgrade, several realtors and attorneys have complained about usage that was initially free now being placed behind a pay wall.

Users have an option of paying $10 for single-day use, $50 for weekly use, $150 for a month or $1,500 for a yearly access. Some have told commissioners the additional charges are being passed through to their customers.

During the Sweetwater County commissioners’ meeting Tuesday, Jannel Fossen attempted to ask the commissioners about the charges but Sweetwater County Attorney Daniel Erramouspe warned the commissioners about answering her questions, telling them an attorney had been hired and any response from the county would be best if it came from his office.

“I can afford this, but these are public records,” Fossen said after the meeting.

Fossen said the new charge for using iDoc means residents living outside of Green River or Rock Springs face a several-hour trip to Green River to inspect the records in person. She also said it cuts free access to those records to only business hours when the county courthouse is open. Fossen said she was originally able to have free access to land documents to answer questions from prospective buyers.

Mikaela Inman, a realtor who said she retained an attorney for help with the issue, said she doesn’t believe rules were followed and is concerned with how the fees were implemented. She also questions when the county clerk had the authority to unilaterally establish fees and questions if online access to other databases is be placed behind a pay wall.

“It’s hampering our jobs,” Inman said.

The release from the clerk’s office states a miscommunication resulted in the site going live before the office had a chance to inform residents.


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