Team places in top 3 on road

Even though only a portion of the team could compete, the Green River speech and debate team is already taking top three trophies home.

This weekend, the Green River High School Speech and Debate team, traveled to Cheyenne to compete in the Cheyenne South tournament.

They came in third after Cheyenne Central and Cheyenne East. Two weeks ago, the team competed in Rock Springs and took second.

Coach Daniel Parson said the team consists of about 50 students, including 15 freshmen, 11 sophomores, 13 juniors and 11 seniors.

The team has been practicing since September and are just getting the season started.

Head coach Carina White said 31 team members competed in Cheyenne and they were not surprised with the results because the Cheyenne schools are extremely talented.

The Cheyenne schools have already been competing, which gives them an advantage at the beginning of the season. However, White said Green River usually catches up to them by the end of the season because each team can only compete in 10 tournaments in addition to State and Regionals.

The team is used to tough competitions and has continued to compete on the 4A Division level.

“We have been winning consistently for the past 12 years against schools with twice our population,” White said.

This year, the team will continue to live up to its legacy by working and practicing hard.

“We honestly have strength in every event. We just need to travel with our entire team,” White said.

This week, several students stood out to White. Faith Duncan, who’s having an outstanding novice season in humor, has been in finals two weeks in a row. Sabian Maez and William Robertson have been semifinalists novice extemporaneous. Will Allen and Mikkie Scott partnered for the weekend and won policy debate, while Jessica Petri took first in Lincoln Douglas debate. 

For Green River, the team doesn’t really start to pick up momentum until December.

The team’s goal is to have each member with polished pieces for at least two events by their Dec. 20 tournament in Cheyenne.

Cheyenne South Results

Cross examination debate: Will Allen and Mikkie Scott, first place, varsity

Lincoln Douglas debate: Jessica Petri, first place, varsity

Humor: Will Allen, second place, varsity

Humor: Elijah Kropf, third place, varsity

Informative: Jessica Petri, fourth place, varsity, Mikkie Scott, fifth place, varsity

Congress: Shelbee McFadden, finalist

Poetry: Lauryn Skinner, semifinalist, varsity

Extemporaneous: Sabien Maez and Will Robertson, semifinalists, novice

Humor: Faith Duncan, second place, novice, Anastasia Fox, sixth place, novice

Duet: Celi Andrews and Lyric Wright, sixth place, novice

Informative: Iria Lopez, second place, novice, Caleb Morrell, fourth place, novice

Cross examination debate: Lukas Bagshaw and Sabian Maez, third place, novice


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