Time to ring the bell: help sought

During these tumultuous economic times, it is even more important to think of those less fortunate than ourselves.

The Salvation Army of Sweetwater County is hoping to be able to count on residents and organizations to help ring bells.

Many bell ringers are needed for a successful event this year.

The Salvation Army of Sweetwater County is a service extension unit of the national organization. It exists solely to raise and distribute funds for the emergency needs of people in the community.

It is a small volunteer group and has limited overhead expenses.

All money raised in Rock Springs and Green River is used to assist the needy in Sweetwater County.

Last year, with the generous support of many who took the time from their hectic lives to stand and ring a bell, they helped a great many people. They start the bell-ringing campaign Nov. 20 and will ring right up until Christmas Eve from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday’s and Sunday’s.

To sign up in Green River, residents can call or text Brooke at (307) 212-2473.

Times fill up fast, so call, text or email any one of the volunteers as soon as possible to reserve a spot.

Residents can also sign up for a time slot in Rock Springs by calling Kim at the Sweetwater Family Resource Center at (307) 362-6549, or by emailing us at sweetwaterfamily@gmail.com , or call or text Julie at (307) 922-3897 or email her at jagsupermom@gmail.com


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