Red Desert Rodeo queens crowned

The Red Desert Roundup Rodeo Royalty pageant took place Oct. 20 in Rock Springs. It is sanctioned and sponsored by the Red Desert Roundup Rodeo July 23-25 in Rock Springs.

The royalty has several appearances scheduled this summer including, the Overland Stage Stampede Rodeo and Flaming Gorge Days.

Crowned as the 2020 Red Desert Roundup Rodeo Princess was Sierra Christie. Christie is the 17-year-old daughter of Autumn Christie. She is currently a junior at Black Butte High School, while also attending Western Wyoming Community College. She is on the student council as well as a part of National Honor Society of Leadership and Success. Her hobbies include attending rodeos, hiking, learning new things, helping others and horseback riding because every day is a good day to be on a horse.

The contestants were judged in the categories of horsemanship, personality and appearance by a panel of three judges including, Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2019, Hannah Ostheimer, Sallie Waters and Brooke Martin Call. Events that took place were the horsemanship competition at the Sweetwater Events Complex, where each contestant was required to do a reining pattern on their horse, carry a flag and a presentation run. Private timed interviews with the judges were conducted at the White Mountain Library. Knowledge was tested in the areas of horsemanship, rodeo, current events and personal goals. Following the interviews, the contestants were required to give a 2-minute speech, model a western outfit, and answer an impromptu question. The afternoon culminated with the crowning of the 2020 Red Desert Roundup Rodeo Royalty.

Two other young ladies competed for the title of Princess, Gracie Fletcher and Kyra Folks. Fletcher is the 15-year-old daughter of Dusty and Chelsi Fletcher. She is a 10th grader at Rock Springs High School, while also working as a veterinary assistant at Mountainaire Animal Clinic. Her hobbies include beadwork, riding horses, traveling, hunting and working with ranchers gathering cattle.

Folks is the 13-year-old daughter of Ben and Candi Folks. Kyra is an eighth grader at Rock Springs Junior High School. Her hobbies include, riding horses, snow machining, boating and being in 4-H.

Each contestant received flowers donated by A Touch Of Class Floral and matching jackets and shirts. The princess was awarded with a tiara and Monsoon Silver buckle. Red Desert Roundup Rodeo Committee members present were Travis Garrison, President, Kim Little, Vice President, Kerry Wilkinson, sponsorship, and pageant co-directors Laurie Thoman and Shelby Martin.

On behalf of the pageant, the pageant coordinator, Laurie Thoman, would like to thank everyone who helped support the program. It wouldn't be possible without the generous support of the rodeo committee, volunteers, and especially the sponsors. The pageant provides an excellent opportunity for young women to expand their life skills in interviewing, public relations, and public speaking while gaining self-confidence.


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