Our View: Coats for a cause

We are proud to live in a community where residents take care of each other.

From fundraisers to help residents in need pay medical bills, to donations to pay for the Golden Hour Senior Center’s new technology center. This community often steps up fill the need.

We recently received a message from the American Legion Tom Whitmore Post No. 28.

This message was just a flyer letting us know about an upcoming coat drive the American Legion and Hilltop Baptist Church are hosting.

Upon reading the flyer, we knew this was something we needed to share with our readers. This is a program we always thought was a need in Green River and it’s nice to see others agree.

Sherry Bushman, second vice chair for Post 28’s auxiliary group, said they will be collecting the coats until Nov. 14. To participate in this program, residents can simply donate new or slightly used infant to adult coats by dropping them off at the Hilltop Baptist Church from 9-11 a.m. Monday through Friday or Post 28 from 1-8 p.m. Sunday through Saturday.

Once all of the coats are collected, they will be distributed at Hilltop Baptist Church Nov. 15 from 4-7 p.m. and Nov. 16 from 11-2 p.m.

Bushman said anyone who needs a coat will get one for free. She said there are people in the community in need and this program would help them stay warm.

We couldn’t agree more. With the recent cold snap, we know all too well there are residents in need of coats and hopefully the cold weather won’t return until these coats have been distributed. We are encouraging residents to support this program so all residents can stay warm this winter.


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