Online school misconceptions put to rest

Dear Editor,

There are so many misconceptions about online public schools. As a teacher at Wyoming Virtual Academy, I’ve seen the confusion some people have firsthand. As a new school year begins, I want to help explain the important roles these schools play and why school choice must be protected.

One of the main purposes of online schools is to provide an academic option for students in search of an alternative learning environment or instructional approach that they haven’t found elsewhere. While online school isn’t for every student, it does work for many. I have seen this to be true in Wyoming, where a lot of students spend hours each day getting to and from school. Whether they have medical challenges, social anxieties, or simply want to maximize their day for learning at home rather than riding a bus to a school setting that isn’t right for them, online public school at home is something that works for kids across Wyoming.

That’s why I think it’s important that we protect the option for families to choose the best school that works for them.

Online public schools are a legitimate alternative that work for so many and help countless students in Wyoming succeed. Whether they live in the city or in our rural communities, it’s important that students can find the learning environment that works best for them.

Jennifer Schultze



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