Barbershop quartet to perform

A group of four singers are going to perform "Forever Plaid" in front of a live audience this week.

"Forever Plaid" is one of the most popular and successful musicals in recent history. The show is full of classic barbershop-quartet harmonies and pitch-perfect melodies.

According to a description about "Forever Plaid," four guys Sparky, Smudge, Jinx and Frankie discover they share a love for music. They then get together to become their idols "The Four Freshman," "The Hi-Lo's" and "The Crew Cuts." They rehearse in the basement of Smudge's family's plumbing supply company and become "Forever Plaid."

On the way to their first big gig, the group is broadsided by a school bus and killed instantly. It is at the moment when their careers and lives end that the story of "Forever Plaid" begins.

The play is scheduled to take place at the Green River High School theater Thursday and Friday at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 each and available at

Bradlee W. Skinner, GRHS theatre director, said the audience can expect a fun-filled, family-friendly performance with memorable songs for all to enjoy.

"Last year, I was approached by some community members expressing interest in getting back up on stage to perform again," Skinner said. "I thought this over and realized that it would be a great opportunity to allow community members to get involved and give students that chance to do the work typically done by the adults."

Those making up the barbershop quartet are GRHS band director, Quinn Kalinski, playing the role of Sparky, Skinner, playing the role of Smudge, Tim Knight, playing the role of the group leader, Frankie and Mike Curtis playing the role of the ever delightful Jinx.

"The group has changed a couple of times over the course of bringing this project to fruition and we are grateful for those who wished to be a part of it, but simply were not available due to their busy schedules," Skinner said.

The group has been rehearsing since June and is ready to entertain those who attend the show.

"In all my time on stage, working with various casts, I have never worked with a group of performers where we have meshed so well together," Skinner said. "We have fun at every rehearsal. We laugh together; we have every cried together. It is a special bond that we hope translates to the audience as they watch this play."

"It certainly is fun, but it is really about the students," Skinner said.

The high-school thespian group has been doing all of the work to get the show up and running, Skinner said. They are quickly learning what it takes to produce a musical. Usually, an adult director and volunteers do all of this particular work for the high schools shows.

"This time, the students get to do it and learn how much work it really takes to put on a theatrical production," Skinner said. "It is a valuable educational opportunity."

"This production would never have happened without the tireless and often thankless work of our music director, Nancy Stevens," Skinner said.

Skinner wanted to thank Joe Barbuto for playing the piano; Logan Christensen for playing the bass; Sarah Robles for being the stage manager, organizing the rehearsals and helping them learn their lines; and Melissa Skinner for being the technical designer.

All of the proceeds made in this production will benefit the theater students who attend summer workshops and trainings with theater industry professionals.


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