Our View: Be responsible pet owners

Being a responsible pet owner in more than just loving an animal. It’s making sure all of their needs are met and sometimes this may mean making the tough decision to have your pet spayed or neutered. Most of the problems happening in communities overrun with feral cats or unwanted kittens stem from people not having their pets spayed or neutered.

This is a problem not only Green River is facing, but Sweetwater County.

Green River Animal Control officer Tracy Wyant said they have seen the shelter filled with kittens and unwanted cats before, but not like this year. For some reason, it’s been worse than any other year. They currently have about a dozen kittens ranging in colors, sizes and ages at the shelter. All of these kittens need to be adopted.

Animal Control Officer Kim Wilkins said the problem is out of control. She said all of the other shelters in Sweetwater County are experiencing the same problems.

All of this is because pet owners allowed their cats, that weren’t spayed or neutered, to roam free. In some cases a resident has brought in not only one, but two litters of kittens.

Even though the animal shelter is overflowing with kittens and cats right now, the officers want to make sure all of the animals are going to forever homes.

This means those who want to adopt a pet must make sure they know how much time it will take to care for the pet, how much it will cost and what the animal needs for living conditions.

While cats are known to be easier to take care of than dogs, they still require work. The last thing the animal control officers would like to see is the same kittens or cats coming back to the shelter.

Do your research and know what is expected of a responsible pet owner before jumping in. If you’re still isn’t sure what all of this will take, just visit with one of the animal-shelter employees and they will be able to help.


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