Baked goods make center money

Using baked good sales to benefit an entire facility is something Green River senior citizens are doing.

For several weeks, volunteers of the Golden Hour Senior Center have been selling baked goods at the Green River Farmers' Market and they have been pretty successful.

According to GHSC Executive Director Jackie Grubb, the senior center's baker Janice Castillon bakes everything for the market. The items sold on Thursdays are baked throughout the week.

"Our biggest seller is her cinnamon rolls," Grubb said.

Even though cinnamon rolls are a big seller, her other baked goods, including cream puffs, turnovers, cookies, pies, breads and lemon bars sell out every week.

"Her lemon bars are pretty famous," Grubb said.

"Every week this year, we've sold out," Grubb said. "We've sold out by 6 p.m."

With the market usually going until about 7 p.m., the center usually has to pack up and leave early. Castillon makes as much as she can to try and meet the demand, but she still has to bake for the center.

"It's gone really well," Grubb said.

Each week, they have made about $700 to $800. This money usually goes to help pay for things the center can't purchase through grant funding. In the past, the money has gone to help pay for new tables or chairs. This year, the money is all going toward the completion of a new technology center.

Grubb said they are going to purchase computers, iPads, a new printer and anything else they might need for their tach center. Grubb knows all to well that seniors will need help learning how to operate the new technology and is in the process of lining up people to help train seniors on how to use the computers.

She's already visited with Western Wyoming Community College about teaching seniors the basics of computers. She plans on talking to bank representatives to teach seniors how to bank online and Castle Rock Hospital District representatives so they can learn how to manage their health online as well.

None of this would be possible without the help of GHSC's volunteers.

"The volunteers put in their time go down there," Grubb said.

They set up the booth, sell the baked goods and take the booth down.

"We have a great group of dedicated volunteers," she said.


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