Green River Pond and Garden Tour set

Once again, residents are opening up their yards to the public to showcase their beautiful gardens and ponds.

According to Lyneen Murphy, Green River Pond and Garden Tour director, the tour will take place Aug. 10, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This year's tour will feature 10 homes in Green River and two in Rock Springs.

"You can visit any home in any order," Murphy said. "This event is free to the public and cameras are encouraged."

This year will be the 26th year for the Green River Pond and Garden Tour and to celebrate the tour is in honor of Bruce and Evelyn King.

"The Kings were garden enthusiasts and their garden home was an example of both Bruce and Evelyn's knowledge and talent when it came to gardening," Murphy said. "The Kings often shared their love of gardening with many local residents. To this day we all drive by and enjoy many local yards that shout garden color and design shared by the Kings."

Murphy said each year the pond and garden tour participants help raise money for a cause and this year the money raised from raffle tickets will purchase a tree and plaque for the Kings, which will be placed along the Green River. Prizes on the raffle include a decorative garden trellis, artwork by local artist Amanda Romero, a gift basket, glass terrarium and 10, $20 in Chamber bucks.

Over the years, the pond and garden tour has changed from an annual event to a biennial event.

"This gives old and new gardeners time to repair or relax on the off year," Murphy said.

Visitors will have an open pass to stroll through some yards with ponds, water features, gardening and landscaping. Murphy said many of our garden homes have ponds of various sizes. A lot of the ponds have colorful Koi, which also range in size.

"The pond and garden tour will certainly give visitors gardening idea," Murphy said. "There will be many gardening ideas you may want to share or just remember in case you want to incorporate in your own garden oasis."

She said the best part of the garden tours is how open the homeowners are about their gardens and ponds. Those on the tour can learn from each gardener what grows well in this high-desert climate. For those on a quest for specific information, this is also a great opportunity.

"We are excited to announce that there will be several master gardeners located at garden homes for you to get specialized information or help with," Murphy said. "I hope everyone will take advantage of this opportunity."

New this year, is garden visitors will have the chance to meet Jennifer Edelmayer from the Wild Sage Garden committee. Edelmayer will have information on the concept of the Wild Sage Garden while taking a tour of it.

"Weather you are planning on taking this exceptional tour for information, gardening ideas or just enjoy the sights and sounds of our community gardens, you won't be disappointed," Murphy said. "Every visitor will end the tour with amazing gardening ideas or will leave relaxed and amazed at our local gardeners creations."  

The tour will have signs or flags in front of them so visitors can find them easily.

Tour guides will be out one week prior to the event and can be picked up at Riverside Nursery or the Green River Chamber of Commerce.

Green River Garden Homes

1. Wild Sage Garden- 1600 State Highway 374 (Jamestown)

 Green River First Right Under Tollgate Rock

2. The Jacobsons' - 668 Railroad St.

3. The Measles' - 345 Hutton St.

4. The Murphys' - 525 Hackberry St.         

       * Information Home - Master Gardener *

5. The Bowlings' -  605 Easy St.

6. The Morgans' - 765 Wilkes

This garden home has a kids goldfish pond where visitors can net their own goldfish and receive a bag of information and food for their new pet.

7. The Howes' -1165 Parkview Street

Master Gardner at this garden home.

8. The Wrights' - 340 Stage Street

9. The Byrds' - 281 Logan Street

10. The Jensens' - 2005 Nevada Place

Rock Springs Garden Homes

11. The Volcics' - 166  Foothill


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