Air quality study questioned by resident

Dear Editor,

This letter is to express concerns with Love’s truck stop. All of these issues were voiced in public meetings and to the Sweetwater County Commissioners in writing. The only response so far has been Love’s air model which did not model emissions from idling vehicles. The question posed to Love’s was: “What impact idling trucks would have on air quality along the green river especially in the winter during inversions?” The air model discussed in last week’s paper was supposed to be in response to that. Love’s provided almost no information on their modeling protocol, but from the information they did provide it looks like they did not include any mobile sources in it. That is the one thing that most people are concerned about. A mobile source is basically anything with wheels (i.e. trucks).  So when they talk about it being low impact, it appears to be because they intentionally ignored the largest source of emissions on their property.

Another big concern expressed at meetings was safety. Peru Hill can be icy and dangerous in the winter. According to information provided at the public meetings, Love’s is not proposing any significant changes to the highway ramps to accommodate increased traffic and congestion. They are only planning to upgrade a couple areas to accommodate increased vehicle weight. Additional congestion of truck traffic on that hill during the winter is not a good idea. I don’t think it can be made safe without extensive changes to the length and width of highway exit ramps.

I would encourage people to stop by the Love’s in Rawlins before supporting these people. Check out the east side of their lot, then picture that mess in the Green River. If the project is truly necessary for the economic benefit of the community, we at least need to make sure that there are strong measures in place to protect water, air quality, and to save lives. There has to be a better place for it than on a hill upwind and hydraulically upgradient of the Green River.

Glenn King



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