Our View:Rolling out the red carpet

While the weather may not look it, the summer tourism week starts with Quilting on the Green this weekend and the Overland Stage Stampede Rodeo next weekend.

Tourism is an important part of Sweetwater County’s economy. While mineral extraction plays a central role in the economic makeup, tourism remains an important pillar supporting jobs and businesses in the county.

With people coming to the area to either enjoy local festivities, world-class fishing or a simple meal while passing through to another destination, we think it’s important for Green River’s residents to be helpful and welcoming to visitors as they stop by our town. Though signage in our city is helpful, there are some locations that are still hard to find for people not familiar with Green River. Giving someone directions to the store or to a favorite shop or restaurant when asked for a recommendation will help give visitors a positive view of Green River and the people living here.

After all, Green River not only has a lot to offer, it’s a great place to visit. The more visitors who come away with that view of the city, the more likely they are to decide to come again. A short shop or weekend trip may turn to something longer during Flaming Gorge Days or the River Festival.

Hospitality is a key feature to any successful attempt at bringing tourists to a location. We have the amenities and we have attractions that cater to both specific and varied interests. We also have great hotels ranging from the lovely Hampton Inn at Wild Horse Canyon to the cozy Little Bear Motel on Uinta Drive. A sustained push supported by friendly business owners and residents could help make Green River a popular stop along Interstate 80. It’s not something that would happen overnight, but a continued focus on hospitality will make Green River an attractive place to visit.

While minerals continue to be Sweetwater County’s main economic generator, recent developments may cause that industry to lose some prominence in the future. It’s hard to say if tourism could make up for the losses that will ultimately occur when Rocky Mountain Power starts closing two of the four units at the Jim Bridger Power Plant.

However, working to establish Green River as a friendly community in the summer will bring visitors here, many of whom will help support local businesses.


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