GR speech coach honored

For the past 12 years, this woman has dedicated her time to making Green River one of the most competitive teams in Wyoming and that dedication hasn't gone unnoticed.

Head Green River High School Speech and Debate coach Carina White recently received a letter from the National Speech and Debate Association informing her that she has received the association's distinguished service gold key.

"I coach because I believe in the power speech and debate has to transform lives, help students gain confidence, form friendships, learn valuable skills and learn to be part of a team," White said. "What we do matters and as long as I feel like I am able to contribute I will keep doing this."

White said she knew the award was coming, but still appreciated it and the nice letter accompanying the award.

"It is time consuming to get the service key award. You might earn one or two points for each service you achieve so it takes a few years to build it up," White said. "I know that there are a few coaches in the state who probably also have one."

According to the letter sent to White, "This award recognizes coaches who selflessly serve the association. From hosting and tabulating tournaments, to serving as a local district leader, to serving as an advocate for speech and debate, your work is important and appreciated."

In order to be awarded the gold key, coaches must earn 20 qualifying service citations. After earning the key, coaches are awarded a bronze distinguished service plaque for each set of 50 qualifying citations. These citations must be entered within two years of completion.

White said this award recognizes the work she does beyond the regular scope of her coaching duties, including serving on the district committee and mentoring new coaches.

"My philosophy has always been to do what is best for students across our state and I enjoy doing what I can to help out at other tournaments and serve on the district committee," White said.

The letter also states, "Thank you for all you do to support your students and the speech and debate community. Your work has provided students a platform to share their voices."

"I think our program has played a leadership role for some time now. Myself and the other coaches pride ourselves in the program we have built. For a long time it has been a force to be reckoned with; it was the largest program in the state for years and we have eight state championships during the time I have coached," White said. "We have hosted the district and state tournament and we are hosting state again this coming season. Everyone has to step up and do their part to help Wyoming speech and debate thrive. It is an important opportunity for students and I have seen the impact it has had on them even beyond high school."

While it's nice to be recognized, White appreciates the day-to-day experiences she has as a coach.

"My favorite part of being a coach are the small moments with students. Watching them jump up and down with excitement the first time they see they made to a final round," White said. "The look on their face on stage when they realize they took first place. The way they prop each other up and work together. Each of those moments is a wonderful memory."


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