SWAT members earn many titles at state meet

The Sweetwater Aquatics Team, a group of swimmers from Green River, Rock Springs and Lyman, were declared the team champions of the winter state swim meet for USA Swimming in Laramie.

The team brought home 26 individual titles and three relay state titles during the meet. The team of Lauren Jensen, Lauren Lee, Bryn Busskohl and Alexa Lauze earned both state titles in the relay events for the 15-16-year-old girls division, as well as 11 of 13 individual titles. Hailey Uhrig broke two state records in the 100 breaststroke and the 200 breaststroke.

Hailey is ranked 16th in the nation in the 100 breaststroke in her age division. Hailey’s mother, Andrea, said Hailey was giddy upon finding out she was ranked so high. She said Hailey didn’t think she made the top 20 before that.

Abi Robinson-Kim won state in eight of the nine events she qualified for, taking second in the 100 breaststroke. She ended up qualifying for senior sectionals and the Wyoming zones team.

For Robinson-Kim, she said her main competitor was at an indoor track meet during state, which helped her achieve her state titles. Aside from the titles and high point award, she accomplished something else.

“I dropped time and stayed consistent with my times, she said. “It felt really good.”

Mac Ward won six of the eight events for the boys eight and under division.

Michael Richmond, Robinson-Kim, Jensen and Ward also received the high point awards in their divisions, which are awarded to individual swimmers earning the most points.

For Richmond, his sectionals competition for the team was bittersweet. The GRHS senior graduates this year and while he hasn’t announced which college he plans to attend, he will leave the state. Richmond also recently enlisted with the U.S. National Guard.

“I never thought the day would come that club is over,” Richmond said. “It’s something I’ve been doing all my life.”

Richmond made the finals during sectionals, which he said was his goal during the season.

Tanith Smith took first in the 100 and 200 freestyle, as well as second in the 50 freestyle in the girls 11-12 division. At regionals, she took fifth in the two events.

Tanith has been swimming for the past two years, saying she enjoys the friends she’s made in the pool.

“She goes through chlorine withdrawl, I swear,” Tanith’s mom, Meagan said.


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