Indoor play great during winter

More than a dozen children were burning energy and getting to know each other while at the Kids in Motion program Thursday.

Children from birth to five years old were running around playing on obstacle courses, shooting hoops, spinning in turtle shells or jumping on the trampolines while at this triweekly program.

Jennifer Spangler, who has taken her son to the program twice, said the program is a fun way for kids to get their energy out when it's so cold outside.

Plus, her child has the opportunity to interact with other children his age, younger and older.

Melody Taylor, Green River Recreation Center employee, said Kids in Motion is offered Mondays at 11 a.m., Tuesdays at 10 a.m. and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.

All of these programs are an hour long and take place at the Expedition Island Pavilion.

Even though Spangler thought the class was well attended, Taylor said this was actually a light day for Thursday, which is usually their busiest day.

"It's usually really busy," she said.

However, regardless of how many kids are at the pavilion the outcome is always the same.

"We have a lot of fun," Taylor said.

While children are at the pavilion, they are encouraged to participate in free play. This allows them to let their creativity run wild.

For example: the turtle shell is a multi-use toy for most of the kids.

They can use it to sit on and spin around in or they can wear it as a helmet.

Another mom, Danielle Turner, said she has been bringing her child to Kids in Motion since her family moved here in October.

Turner and her daughter are regulars at the program. Turner said she tries to bring her daughter the three times its offered.

She said it's a great way for kids who aren't in daycare to socialize with other children.


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