MHSC discusses expanding into ambulance service

Discussion about whether or not the Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County will take over Sweetwater County’s ambulance service took place at the Sweetwater County Commissioners meeting.

Representatives from MHSC, Sweetwater Medics and members of the Ambulance Service Board were on hand to answer questions the Commissioners had about the hospital possibly getting into the ambulance service business.

Scott Kitchner, chairman of the ambulance service board, said Sweetwater Medics and the hospital have had come discussions about the hospital taking over the ambulance service. Kitchner said if that was the case, they would like their current contract with the county extended for one year so they could have time to pursue this possibility.

Hospital CEO Irene Richardson said at this time she doesn’t know if this is something the hospital is going to pursue. Before making that determination, an investigation would need to be conducted by the hospital. Richardson said they can’t take on something that would create a loss in revenue.

“We just don’t have the information,” she said.

However, she did know that in order for something like this to work it would need to be a county-wide service and something that can be sustained. They also need to determine what is best for the county and the patients’ needs.

“We can’t make this decision lightly,” Richardson said.

That’s why they want enough time to investigate it and see what other hospitals are doing. It was determined that the contract extension for Sweetwater Medics and the Request For Proposals is something the county can deal with separately.

Richardson said they have spoke with Castle Rock Hospital District representatives, but Farson and Wamsutter will also need to be brought into the conversation.

MHSC board president Richard Mathey said this is something the hospital will look into and report to his board. It would need to be approved by both boards. It will need to be as close to county-wide as possible if it is going to work, he said.

“The hospital is the key to this whole thing,” Chairman Wally Johnson said.

If the hospital doesn’t want it, then the whole deal is done.

“I think it has tremendous potential,” Johnson said.


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