Sheriff's office plans snowcat buy

County snowcats 35, 45 years old

The Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Department will probably move forward with the purchase of a reconditioned snowcat.

During a recent Sweetwater County Commissioners meeting, Sheriff John Grossnickle asked the board if he could pursue the purchase of a reconditioned Hagglund snowcat from Natrona County. 

The snowcat and a trailer to pull it is available for purchase at about $74,000.

Grossnickle said this type of a machine is used by the military and can hold up to 16 passengers, which would essentially replace the two aging snowcats the county currently has.

The snowcats the sheriff’s department owns are 35 and 45 years old and it is getting harder for the maintenance crews to even find replacement parts for them because the parts aren’t manufactured anymore, Grossnickle said. The snowcats are used for county search and rescue missions.

He said the most recent example was when a group was stranded in the snow on White Mountain.

Even though the Hagglund snowcat was built in the 1990s, it’s getting a complete rebuild, including the engine.

If they can’t rebuild the engine, under the agreement a new engine will be put in the machine, but the price won’t increase, he said. This piece of equipment will also come with an 18-month warranty.

Grossnickle said he knows the county had applied for and set aside money of $100,500 for a new machine with a grant, but he thinks this will save the county money and meet the county’s needs.

Commissioner Randy Wendling said whether the county buys new or used equipment it must be taken care of.

He said the hardest thing on a piece of equipment is letting it sit outside in Wyoming weather. 

Grossnickle said there is enough room at the new Sweetwater County Justice Center to store the vehicle when it’s not in use.

Sweetwater County Grants Coordinator Krisena Marchal said the county can either take the money it set aside to match the grant and purchase the machine or use reserves or cash carry over in the county’s budget.

The Commissioners leaned more toward using the money set aside for the grant. The Commissioners asked for a budget amendment in the amount of $74,000 be placed on the next board meeting’s agenda.


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