Man accused of punching kid

A 21-year-old man was charged with a felony after he allegedly punched a 15-year-old boy in the face.

Chance D. Wood, of Green River, was arraigned in the Third District Court of Judge Nena James for felony child abuse. He pleaded not guilty and a jury trial is set to take place March 4 at 9 a.m.

If he is found guilty of the crime, he could face a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000.

According to court documents, on July 31, 2018, at around 8:39 p.m. two Green River Police officers responded to Smith’s parking lot to check on a report of an assault that occurred near the intersection Hitching Post Drive and Bridger Drive.

Officers interviewed Z.S., a 15-year-old boy, who was a passenger in the seat of M.F.’s car, who is 16 years old. Z.S. said M.F. had slowed down to turn onto Bridger Drive when a white truck pulled up on his side of the car and stopped. He said a male, who was later identified as Wood, got out the truck, approached Z.S.’s window, which was open, and allegedly punched him in the face. Wood then approached the passenger, S.S., 19, who was in the back seat and allegedly tried to punch him through the open window, but S.S. was able to move out of the way. Z.S. described the male who punched him as “a little chubby,” wearing black shorts, a red shirt and a black baseball cap turned backwards.

M.F. was also interviewed and said he had stopped on Hitching Post to turn onto Bridger Drive, when a vehicle was right on him. He said he waved at the vehicle to go around him. M.F. said reported the white Chevrolet pickup with a newer body style with four doors and a Z71 logo on the bed stopped on the passenger side of his vehicle. Words were exchanged between him, Z.S., S.S., and the driver of the the truck. The driver of the white truck, later identified as Tyler Wood, asked them if they had a problem. Another male got out of the truck and allegedly punched Z.S. in the face and allegedly tried to punch S.S. too.

M.F. described the driver as a male who had short blond hair with a short beard. He thought the driver was in his 30s.

S.S. was also interviewed and wasn’t able to add any other details than what M.F. and Z.S. had already told officers.

Officers observed Z.S.’s eye was injured and photos were taken of the injury.

Officers determined Chance and Tyler Wood to be potential suspects based on the physical descriptions of them and the truck. Officers responded to the Wood’s residence and saw their white Chevy pickup parked in the driveway. When officers made contact with Chance and Tyler, Chance was wearing a black baseball cap, turned backwards, a red shirt and black shorts. They also noticed Tyler has a small beard and short blond hair.

Both officers also noticed a strong oder of intoxicants from both Chance and Tyler. They told the officers they had been fishing at Flaming Gorge all day and when they returned they rode their bullet bikes. Tyler told the officer to feel the hood of the truck because it would be cold since they hadn’t used it. The officer felt the hood of the truck and it was unusually warm as if it had been driven recently.

On Aug. 8, 2018, Z.S. identified Chance Wood as the man who allegedly punched him, while S.S. and M.F. identified Tyler Wood as the driver of the white truck.


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