Our View: Library needs to be saved

What will happen to the Carnegie Library building in Green River?

Right now, it’s safe to say no one really knows what the future holds for one of Green River’s landmark buildings. However, we believe if the building can be saved, it should be.

The most important reason for preserving the building is its historical and aesthetic value it gives the city. Generations of residents remember going to Sweetwater County Library when it was housed in the building, while others attest to the building housing the most beautiful courtroom in Wyoming when the building housed the Green River Circuit Court. If it can be saved, the building can be used for a number of purposes. This isn’t something we haven’t discussed in this space before, but we think the potential for a small business being placed within the building exists. The county could also open the building and allow it to be utilized by a county office seeking additional space.

What would be tragic is if nothing comes from the discussion about what should be done with the building. If it’s possible to save the Carnegie building now, that possibility closes with each passing year of inaction. Allowing it to fall into a state of disrepair and ruin would not place a good light on the Sweetwater County Commissioners. Ever since circuit court moved out of the building, the question of what should be done with it has lingered in Green River, with commissioners discussing various ideas, but never committing to anything beyond a discussion.

Allowing the building to continually get worse is a disservice to the city of Green River and its residents. If residents care about the future of the building, they need to make their voices heard at the Sweetwater County Courthouse. The should tell commissioners they want the building to be preserved. They should talk about what the building brings to our city and how it can and should be used in the future. Both Green River Main Street and the Sweetwater County Historical Museum should be involved in the discussion as well. Between those two organizations, a use can be discovered for the building.

Hopefully, it isn’t too late to save the building. We would hate for the building to ultimately be torn down and made into a parking lot. That would be a tragic end for one of the most beautiful buildings in Green River.


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