Last week, residents at the Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center and The Villa received a surprise visit from a couple of furry guests.
Bobbi Jo and Gene Drozd decided to bring a couple of their horses to the center for residents to pet. Bobbi Jo works for CRRC and was happy to have her horses at the center.
Heidi Schuh, CRRC activities director and volunteer coordinator, said CRRC residents Sharon Patterson and Kathy Forman specifically requested a visit from the horses.
The Drozd's answered the request and brought two of their horse to the center. Custer is a young Percheron and Fresian cross, while Coke is a American Quarter Horse Buckskin.
Since it was windy and a little cold outside, about 15 residents went outside to interact with the horses, while others who didn't want to go outside watched from the windows inside.
"The smiles were indescribable," Schuh said. "They were ecstatic to see them, pet them and even feed them some of their favorite sweet feed."
None of the residents were scared of the horses, but a couple continued to comment on just how big they were.
This isn't the first time the residents have had a visit from some horses.
"Bobbi Jo and Gene try to bring the horses up at least one time a year," Schuh said. "The residents love animals."
Schuh said the spontaneous event was well received by the residents.
"This is their home and we want to make it feel as much like home as possible," Schuh said. "This is also Wyoming and many of our residents worked with or rode horses. Bringing back things that are familiar is so beneficial to those with dementia, and can actually help with their memory."
Schuh said the nonprofit organization is always looking to volunteers to help with events like this one and they are also looking for ideas from residents.
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