Letter: Former assessor supports Divis

Dear Editor,

My name is Pat Drinkle and I am the former Sweetwater County Assessor.  I worked in the Assessor’s Office for 27 years, the last six as your assessor.  I am writing this letter to ask the voters of Sweetwater County to keep Dave Divis as your Assessor.

Mr. Divis came to work with me in 2012 from the Sweetwater County Treasurer’s Office where he had worked for 21 years. Dave’s experience in the treasurer’s office has been extremely valuable in his work now as your county assessor. Dave has seen the billing, collection and distribution side of the tax cycle and now does assessment and valuation.  Experience in the assessor’s position is required to complete the assessment and valuation process correctly and in a timely manner. The process includes setting values, applying neighborhood adjustments, meeting requirements of the Wyoming Department of Revenue and the Wyoming State Board of Equalization, mailing assessments, managing the appeal process, evaluating budgets, setting mill levies and rolling values to the treasurer’s office. These processes are done yearly and must be done correctly to avoid and problems or delays in billing property taxes. This is a very important job that requires experience in the valuation cycle. This is not merely a political position.

I am asking you to choose experience over politics and vote to keep Dave Divis as your Sweetwater County Assessor Nov. 6.

Thank you for your consideration.

Pat Drinkle

Lake Havasu City, Ariz.


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