Candidates file expenditure reports: thousands spent

A lot of money was spent by candidates prior to the August Primary Election.

As their campaigns progress, candidates are required to report the contributions they made and received to their campaign as well as their expenditures. Of those spending money on campaigns, Matthew Jackman, a candidate for mayor of Rock Springs, spent the most, claiming more than $19,000 in expenditures in his failed election bid. While no one else surpassed the $10,000 mark, many candidates for Sweetwater County offices spent thousands in their election bid.

According to the reports, personal contributions to campaigns are from the candidates and their immediate family. Individual contributions come from people outside the candidate’s immediate family. Anonymous contributions are contributions of up to $100 by donors who wish to remain anonymous. Candidates can also receive contributions from political action committees and political parties, as well as in-kind donations of work and products from donors. Candidates can also report taking out loans to finance their campaigns and unitemized donations, which are donations less than $25 apiece.

City of Green River

Campaign expenditures in Green River didn’t reach the levels spent by candidates running for county offices. In the Ward III race, Councilman Gary Killpack reported spending $50 in contributions of expenditures into his campaign, while his opponent, Ed Paisley, reported no spending or contributions. In Ward II, Mike Shutran reported spending $1,120 in his campaign, but did not report where those funds came from. His opponent Andrew Morrison recorded spending $90.50, all of which were from personal contributions.

In the three-way Ward I race, the Friends of Sherry Bushman election committee reported receiving $1,850 in funding and spent $1,278.99. Of the total $1,850 the committee received, $1,700 came from personal contributions, $50 came from individual contributions and $100 came from in-kind donations. Jim Zimmerman reported spending $427.37, all of which came from personal contributions. Terry Leigh reported $481.99 in campaign expenditures, all of which were from personal contributions.

In the city’s mayoral race, incumbent Pete Rust reported $611.04 in expenditures, all of which were personal contributions. His opponent, Mark Peterson, reported no spending or contributions to his campaign.

Sweetwater County Commissioner

Incumbent Republican John Kolb spent the most of any candidate running for Sweetwater County commissioner. Kolb reported spending a total $6,909.80, all of which were personal contributions to his campaign. Republican Allan Jarnigan reported spending $525.72, all of which came from personal contributions. Republican Roy Lloyd reported receiving and spending $1,230.14 in total, $730.14 of which was funded through personal contributions and $500 coming from individual contributions. Incumbent Republican Randy “Doc” Wendling reported $780.32 in expenditures, but did not include where the funding for those expenditures came from. Republican Jeffery Smith reported receiving $672.45 in contribution and spending $622.45. Of his total contributions $622.45 were personal contributions and $50 came from individual contributions.

On the Democrats side, incumbent Reid West reported receiving and spending $1,560.43, with $960.43 coming from personal contributions and $700 coming from individual contributions. Joe Barbuto reported receiving $3,325 and spending $2,576.03 of his contributions, Barburo reported making $100 in individual contributions, $100 in anonymous contributions and $3,125 from individual contributions.

Clerk of District Court

Incumbent Republican Donna Lee Bobak reported receiving a total $5,870.17 in contributions, with $4477.17 in personal contributions, $423 coming from anonymous donations and $970 in un-itemized contributions. She reported spending $4,477.17. Her Democrat challenger, Annette Eychner, reported spending $3,692.11 and receiving $4,640 in contributions through her Committee to Elect Annette Eychner. Of her contributions, the committee reported $2,800 coming from personal contributions, $1,200 coming from individual contributions, $90 in anonymous contributions and $550 in in-kind contributions.

County Sheriff

Incumbent Democrat Mike Lowell reported receiving $12,955 in campaign contributions, with $10,305 coming from personal contributions from himself or family members, $500 coming from the Sweetwater County Democratic Party and $450 coming from anonymous donations. He reported spending $7,444.50. On the Republican side, John Grossnickle reported spending $6,714.81 on his campaign, while his opponent, Delbert Grey, reported receiving $1,025 in personal contributions and spent 689.33 on his campaign.

County Clerk

Republican candidate Cindy Lane reported receiving $5,666.16 in contributions, with $75 coming from contributions from individuals and $5,591.16 coming from personal contributions. She reported spending $5,583.11 during the campaign.

Incumbent Democrat, Dale Davis, reported receiving $200 in individual contributions and spending $589.80 on his campaign. His report did not specify where the remaining $389.80 in expenditures came from.

County Assessor

Republican Perri Rubeck reported receiving $3,700 in contributions to his campaign, with $3,000 from personal contributions and $700 in contributions from individuals. He reported spending $3,168.37. Incumbent Democrat Dave Divis report receiving $8,810 in contributions. Of that amount, $5,000 in personal contributions were made to his campaign, along with $2,050 in contributions from individuals, $1,115 in in-kind donations and $645 in un-itemized donations. He spent $5,385.02 during his campaign.

Unopposed Candidates

A few candidates are running for election unopposed. Democrat county coroner Dale Majhanovich reported spending $570 on his campaign, with $320 coming from personal contributions and $150 coming from individual contributions. Incumbent Democrat county treasurer Rob Slaughter reported spending $102.50 on his campaign, all of which came from personal contributions. Republican county attorney Dan Erramouspe reported receiving $100, all of which came from individual contributions, and spending $25.


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