Summer reading program starts

It’s time to sign up for the Sweetwater County Library System’s summer reading program.

Officially, adults and children could stay sign up for the summer reading programs Tuesday, but they may continued to sign up any time at either the Sweetwater County Library in Green River or the Rock Springs Library or White Mountain Library in Rock Springs.

The program starts June 4 and runs until Aug. 11.

“The summer reading program is important and beneficial for kids because it helps prevent learning loss over the summer when kids are not in school,” Lindsey Travis, a library manager for the Sweetwater County Library System, said. “It encourages them to continue to read and strengthen their reading skills.”

According to the library’s press release, children and adults must log their reading throughout the summer and turn those logs in to collect prizes. Each reading log turned in equals one entry in the prize basket drawing of their choice.

Children will also receive a small prize every time they turn in a reading log, Travis said.

“The more kids read, the more chances they will receive to win a prize basket,” she said. “The thought of winning something that they want can truly cause kids to read more.”

Each year, the library has numerous baskets filled with all sort of great prizes. So far, there are a total of 12 prize baskets to choose from. The drawings for the prize baskets will take place Aug. 15.

The press release states that summer reading isn’t just for children and there are prize baskets for adults too. Adults will also need to complete a reading log. Each completed log equals one entry for the prize baskets.

“Reading is important at all ages. For adults reading helps reduce stress, helps them learn new things, and some studies even show that it helps strengthen cognitive connections and brain function,” Travis said. “Also, when children see adults reading, they are more likely to follow suit and read as well.”

For those who are having a hard time trying to decide what to read, all they need to do is just ask one of the librarians.

“The librarians are good at helping kids find books that match their interests,” Travis said. “If you have a reluctant reader in your home, stop by -- we will work to find a book your reluctant reader will enjoy.”


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