A drive to replenish Wyo. blood bank

The Sweetwater County Emergency Responders are hosting the fourth annual Battle of the Badges Blood Drive from June 11–14 in both Green River (June 11-12) and Rock Springs (June 13-14). This event is part blood drive, part competition. This year, the need hits close to home as a Jacob Carlson, a police officer in Casper, was critically injured this month in an officer-involved shooting.

Carlson was shot five times and required a significant amount of blood due related to his injuries and multiple surgeries. He is still fighting for his life. The Wyoming blood bank has been fully consumed and needs replenished. In the meantime, emergency blood from out of state is utilized where needed and multiple blood drives are being held across the state. We need to restock our blood bank.

There are a lot of good reasons to donate blood. One sample of donated blood can save up to three lives. Blood can be separated into its components: red cells, platelets, and plasma and used individually to treat specific conditions. Blood banks need a constant supply of blood as it can only be stored for a limited time before use. According to the World Health Organization “Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person – the gift of life.” It only takes about an hour to donate, and the collection of blood is only about 10 minutes of that. One hour of time donating blood can save multiple lives. Blood transfusions are often needed for complications in pregnancy and childbirth, children with severe anemia, trauma, complex medical and surgical procedures, and cancer patients.

Last year’s Battle of the Badges brought in 300 pints from Green River. This year’s goal for Green River is to reach more than 500 pints. The event will include door prizes and a raffle, and each person that donates gets a T-shirt and a vote for your favorite emergency responder agency. As you can imagine, the win is highly coveted among the emergency responders so the competition is high.

Residents who can’t donate blood you can still help. Donations of refreshments for those who donate, and door prizes are needed. Refreshments needed include: fruit, cookies, snacks and beverages. Door prizes can include gift certificates and things that promote your business.

Contact Martha Holzgrafe at mholzgrafe@cityofgreenriver.org to donate or with any questions.


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