Filing opens for elections

During the past week, Sweetwater County residents have stepped up and filed to campaign for local office. Filing ends June 1.

Green River

In Ward I, three residents have declared an interest to represent the area on the Green River City Council. Terry Leigh joins Jim Zimmerman and Sherry Bushman in seeking election to the council seat currently held by Allan Wilson.

The two candidates receiving the most votes during the Aug. 21 primary election will move on to the general election Nov. 6.

For Ward II, Andrew Morrison and Michael Shutran have filed to vie for election to the Council. The councilman representing the ward, Ted Barney, decided to run as an independent in Senate District 13 and will leave the council when his term ends at the end of the year.

Gary Killpack, who represents Ward III, is currently running unopposed for re-election to the council. Mayor Pete Rust is also currently unopposed in seeking his second term as the city’s mayor.

Sweetwater County

Of the three positions up for election this year, two candidates for Sweetwater County Commissioner have filed to run. John Kolb seeks his third term as county commissioner while Randy Wendling seeks his second. Both incumbents are running as Republicans. Democrat Reid West, who serves as the board of county commissioners’ chairman, has yet to file for re-election.

Many incumbents for other county offices are running unopposed at this time. Democrat Dale Majhanovich runs unopposed for another term as county coroner. Sweetwater County Attorney Daniel Erramouspe, a Republican, also seeks re-election to his office and is unopposed. Sheriff Mike Lowell, a Democrat, is unopposed in his re-election bid, as are Republican Donnalee Bobak for Clerk of District Court and Democrat Rob Slaughter for Sweetwater County Treasurer. Sweetwater County Clerk Dale Davis, a Democrat, faces a challenge from Republican Cindy Lane for the office while Sweetwater County Assessor Dave Divis, also a Democrat, has a challenger in Republican Perri Rubeck in his bid for the assessor’s office.

Legislative candidates

Green River’s representation in the Wyoming House of Representatives is currently unopposed for re-election, according to filing data. Stan Blake, the Democrat representing House District 39, is unopposed for his seat. At this time, no one has filed to run for election in House District 60, though John Freeman, the Democrat serving as representative in the district, has announced his intent to seek re-election.

A race is developing for Senate District 13, which represents portions of Rock Springs and Green River in the Wyoming Senate. Tom James, a Republican, has filed to seek election in the senate district. Ted Barney, who currently serves on the Green River City Council, plans to seek election to the district as an independent.

The process differs for an independent and requires Barney to seek signatures from voters within the district. Democrat John Hastert, who currently serves as the senator in the district, has yet to file for re-election.

In Rock Springs, Clark Stith is unopposed for election to House District 48. Stith is running for his first full term. Stith was appointed after Mark Baker relinquished his seat due to moving outside of the district.

Incumbent Democrat JoAnn Dayton faces a challenger for her re-election bid in House District 17. Republican Traci Ciepiela has filed for election in the house district.

State-wide races

Interest in becoming the next governor of Wyoming continues to grow amongst GOP candidates. Three Republicans have filed so far, with more people expected to file. Sheridan’s Bill Dahlin, Jackson’ Foster Friess and Cheyenne’s Harriet Hageman have filed for election to the office. Other Republicans, Dr. Taylor Haynes, Sam Galeotos and current Wyoming State Treasurer Mark Gordon have also launched election bids, though have not filed as of press time. Rock Springs’ Rex Rammell has announced his intent to run, with Haynes seeking the GOP nomination and Rammell seeking election as a member of the Constitution Party.

The Democrats are represented as well, with Kenneth Caster from Elk Mountain having filed for election.

A race for Wyoming State Auditor’s Office is developing between the Republican and Democratic parties. Republican Kristi Racines and Democrat Jeff Dockter, both of Cheyenne, have filed to run for the office.

Republican candidate for Wyoming State Treasurer, Curt Meier, is running unopposed for the position. Superintendent of Public Instruction JIllian Balow, a Republican, currently running unopposed for re-election.

Republican John Holtz of Laramie has filed to run for the U.S. Senate. Sen. John Barrasso is expected to seek re-election to the post, but also faces a challenge from Democrat Gary Trauner, who has yet to file for election.

Rod Miller of Cheyenne, a Republican, has filed to run for the U.S. House of Representatives, challenging incumbent Liz Cheney for the seat.


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