Re-election sought

Green River City Councilman Gary Killpack is seeking another term as Ward 3's representative.

"It is my love for this area that motivates me to continue serving the most important part of Green River - the citizens," Killpack said in his announcement. "We have a wonderful community and it's because of the people."

Killpack has enjoyed serving Green River's residents and admits the last few years have been a challenge for the city council. Killpack cites decreased tax revenue as the main contributor to that challenge, but said tax revenues are increasing for the city, which he believes marks the beginning of a period of positive growth for the city.

"I would like to be an integral part of that growth," he said in his announcement.

Killpack said Green River's residents should be treated fairly and the city's services must be valuable to them. Killpack believes his experience will help bring value to the growth the city is poised to undergo, saying proper use of tax revenues will be extremely important. Killpack has more than 35 years of experience running his financial services business, which he said has been helpful during the city's economic downturn and thinks that same experience will be beneficial in the future.

"I truly enjoy working with the public and feel that it is very important to listen to the citizens and be transparent on the issues we are working on," he said.


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