Lights out on 2nd South

Residents driving along Second South may have noticed some of the lights along the street not working properly.

It’s a problem that’s undergoing trouble shooting, according to Public Works Director Mark Westenskow. He said the troubleshooting process started with easier fixes and moves to more difficult repairs.

The lights were placed when the street was repaved as part of the sixth-penny tax infrastructure improvements originally approved in 2012. Westenskow said they believe the issue stems from a single light on the street. The light was originally taken out of service during the winter and repaired. However, when the light was activated, the electrical breaker was tripped, resulting in half the lights down the street shutting off.

Westenskow said the breaker was replaced, but tripped a second time when the lights were turned back on. Westenskow said the electricians responsible for the project are looking at wiring as a possible culprit now and are scheduling a time to come back and work on the lights.

“They’ll track it down,” Westenskow said. “It’s one of those gremlins.”

The additional work taking place is under warranty and is not costing the city.


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