Wolves take down Tigers in 3-2 victory

It’s said revenge is a dish best served cold, but for the Wolves soccer team, it’s served with a couple of screamers sent into a goal.

The Wolves sent the Rock Springs Tigers home with a loss Saturday after overcoming their squad in a 3-2 win. In their last meeting, the Tigers shut out the Wolves in a 4-0 victory in Rock Springs.

“It felt good getting that win,” head coach Chris Beiber said. “We showed up to fight ... the whole second half we pushed forward.”

While the team earned their victory, Beiber said he kept reminding his players not to get discouraged when they found themselves behind the Tigers.

“If you show up and compete, you have a much better chance to succeed,” Beiber said.

Beiber’s words reflect his thoughts on the 4A West Conference, which he said is balanced enough that any team can win their match up if they compete.

The Wolves will now end their season with their final four games on the road. This weekend, the Wolves will travel to Evanston Friday and Jackson Saturday. The Wolves have overcome both teams during the season, defeating Evanston 3-1 and Jackson 3-0. Both games were at Wolves Stadium.

While Beiber believes the road trip this weekend will be tough on the Wolves, he thinks his team will still fight hard for the win. The team will play an evening game at 5 p.m. in Evanston, followed by an early morning bus trip to Jackson for competition against the Broncs at 1:30 p.m.

Following those two games, the Wolves will travel to Casper for competition against Natrona County High School and Kelly Walsh next week.


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