Green River distinguished citizen announced

Local radio personality Steve Core was named Green River's Distinguished Citizen of the Year.

Core, who's best known as "the voice of the Wolves," after announcing Wolves games for 32 years, was surprised he was even nominated for such a prestigious award, let alone selected.

"It makes me feel real good," Core said. "You look at the names on that. It's the who's who of Green River. It's a pretty special award."

He also wasn't quite sure why Reed Clevenger nominated him.

Clevenger said he served on the Green River Chamber of Commerce Board prior to becoming the city's administrator and knew how important it is that people volunteer.

Clevenger said he has worked with Core with various projects or committees, including a Rolling Green fundraising tournament and Ducks Unlimited.

"He was always willing to help," Clevenger said.

He said when he started adding up all of the boards and committees Core had served on over the years it was amazing.

"It's a good honor," Clevenger said. "He's just very deserving."

Core said if he had to guess why Clevenger nominated him it would be his work on the Ducks Unlimited board.

"I don't know why he did it. He sits on Ducks Unlimited with me," Core said.

About two years ago, Ducks Unlimited was having some problems trying to get a fundraising banquet to go. Core said it would have been the first time in over 25 years that the group wouldn't have had a fundraising banquet.

Core recalled they were having problems finding a chairman to run the event. Since he had been the chairman before, he said he could do it again so they could still have the event. Not only were they able to have the fundraising event, but they made more in the last two years than in years previous.

When Core isn't busy with Ducks Unlimited and the Rolling Green, he's also the Chair of the Wyoming Association of Broadcasters.

"I've got a few arches in the fire," Core said.

One of those arches is being an elected official. For 18 years, Core has been a Sweetwater County School District No. 2 trustee. He also served on the Castle Rock Hospital District Board for a four-year term. This is something someone pointed out to him that he hadn't realized. He has spent a total of 22 years as an elected official.

Core, who grew up in a small Wyoming town, said he would just go to those events as a child not knowing all of the work that went into hosting one of those events. He later realized all of the people who were working behind the scenes to make events happen, that's what started his volunteerism.

"You got to get involved," he said. "These things just don't happen."

He said that's the message he'd like to pass on. Core said one of the reasons the quality of life in Green River is so good is because of the volunteers.

"You want to make the community better -- get involved," Core said.

Clevenger agreed with Core and said people need to start thinking about how they can help the community. He said even something simple can make a difference.


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