GR students qualify for nationals

The Green River High School Speech and Debate Team took first at districts and qualified 13 students to go to nationals.

The WindRiver District Tournament took place in Rock Springs this weekend and the GRHS team was ready. In a dominate fashion, they took first place with 107 points, Natrona County came in second with 77 points and Jackson grabbed third with 75 points.

“The district tournament was difficult and as challenging as expected,” assistant coach Jason Grubb said. “Students were at their absolute best having perfected their performances over the course of the entire season.”

Green River also took first in Congress, debate and interpretation and platform. He said despite the team’s success the day was an emotional one because it was a double elimination tournament. For debaters, this meant they were done if they lost two times, while for non-debate events it meant the competition was done if one was ranked fourth, fifth of sixth two times.

“Students work so hard to qualify for nationals. For our seniors who have never been to nationals, this was their last opportunity to qualify,” Jason said. “It was heartbreaking as some were eliminated early in the competition. Others ended up placing one rank short of the national qualifying spot.”

However, for some they found more success than they expected to, competing all the way to the final round of competition.

“It is an exciting tournament for the students and coaches,” Jason said.

Jason had a couple of students who stood out to him. Atlin Johnson and Caeden Grubb, who qualified in policy debate. This was the first time they competed together and the first time Caeden competed in policy debate.

“Caeden stepped in when Johnson’s regular partner was unable to compete in policy debate,” Jason said. “Caeden has had an amazing year in Lincoln Douglas debate, but this is his first year so we weren’t sure what to expect, especially since he had less than a week to prepare for a different form of debate and a partner.”

Luckily, teammates Victoria Allen, Rebecca Shamber and former teammate Alexander Marchal stepped in to help Caeden prepare.

“Caeden’s hard work and Atlin’s ability to adapt to a new partner stood out and helped them qualify for nationals,” Jason said.

Matthew Pickering and Ramsay Taliaferro also stood out. They had a rough start to the season, but they continued to improve and their hard work paid off when they qualified in public forum debate.

Lynzi Johnson was another student who stood out this weekend. For the past two years, she has been the first alternate in program oral interpretation and this year she qualified.

“It was good to see her earn the qualifying spot. She worked so hard for it and was in top form at the district tournament,” Jason said.

Two students who qualified for nationals all four years of their high-school careers are Gregory Marchal and Abigaile Grubb.

“It’s amazing that they have both qualified four years in a row. This is no easy task. Of the thousands of students that will compete in speech and debate all four years of high school less than 50 will qualify for the national tournament four years in a row,” Jason said. “This is a first for GRHS and the first time in over 10 years a student from the Windriver District of the National Speech and Debate Association has qualified four years in a row. Both students will be recognized for this achievement at a special ceremony at the national tournament.”

Jason said this shows how strong the GRHS program is and what opportunities it offers students.

“Gregory and Abigaile took advantage of these opportunities beginning their freshman year. They continued to qualify each year through hard work, determination and talent,” Jason said. “Neither spent much time talking about the possibility of qualifying four times in a row and instead just focused on one speech at a time in practice and in competition.”   

Nationals is scheduled to take place in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on June 17-22.

National qualifiers

Victoria Allen: original oratory

Abigaile Grubb: informative speaking and Lincoln Douglas debate. She has chosen to compete in informative speaking.

Caeden Grubb: policy debate with his partner Atlin Johnson

Rachel Heisinger: Congressional debate

Dallin Hoyt: Lincoln Douglas debate

Atlin Johnson: Congressional debate and policy debate with his partner Caeden Grubb. He has chosen to compete in policy debate.

Lynzi Johnson: program oral interpretation  

Jesse Lauze-Reyes: Congressional debate and World Schools debate with her partner Rebecca Shamer. She has chosen to compete in World Schools debate.

Gregory Marchal: extemporaneous speaking and policy debate with his partner Patrick Marchal. He has chosen to compete in extemporaneous speaking.

Patrick Marchal: Congressional debate and policy debate with his partner Gregory Marchal. He has chosen to compete in Congressional debate.

Matthew Pickering: public forum debate with his partner Ramsay Taliaferro.

Rebecca Shamer: World Schools debate.  

Ramsay Taliaferro: public forum debate with his partner Matthew Pickering.


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