Screening may save your life

“Everyone Poops.”

That’s the title of a popular children’s book, but it’s also a good reminder for adults. “Bathroom talk” is often considered taboo for anyone older than age five, but when it comes to colorectal cancer, talking about your bowels may just save your life.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and though colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the U.S., it’s not discussed as openly as other cancers. More than 140,000 people in the U.S. are expected to be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2018 and 50,630 will die of this disease. In Wyoming alone, 210 will be diagnosed and 80 will die of colorectal cancer in 2018.

People often think they are not at risk for colorectal cancer, but anyone can get this disease. Despite common misconceptions, it doesn’t affect only men and it’s not just an “old person’s disease.” In fact, colorectal cancer rates for men and women are similar, with one in 22 men and one in 24 women diagnosed. Although the risk of colorectal cancer does increase as we get older, rates in young people are on the rise. There is also greater risk for those of us who smoke, are overweight, drink alcohol in excess, or have a personal or family history of colorectal cancer, polyps, or inflammatory bowel disease.

Don’t ignore the symptoms. If you experience rectal bleeding or blood in your stool; a change in bowel movements; stools that are more narrow than usual; abdominal problems (bloating, fullness or cramps); or diarrhea, constipation or a feeling that your bowel movement isn’t complete, inform your health care professional immediately. With screening, your doctor can find polyps (growths) that can be removed before they become cancerous or detect cancer early, when successful treatment is more likely.

About that screening—preparation for colonoscopies may not be pleasant, but it’s a breeze compared to colorectal cancer.  A colonoscopy is still the gold standard in colorectal cancer screening, but the best test is the one that gets done! Talk to your health care professional about your screening options. If you are at average risk, the recommendation is to begin colorectal cancer screening at age 50. If you are at increased risk, the recommendation is to begin screening earlier or be screened more often. Talk with your health care provider about continuing screenings after the age of 75.

The Wyoming Department of Health offers free cancer screening programs, including colorectal screenings, across the state. For more information about this program, call (800) 264-1296 or visit their website at

We can reduce our risk of colorectal cancer by exercising, limiting our alcohol intake, avoiding tobacco, and maintaining a healthy weight. To learn more, visit

Diana Enzi is an 11-year colon cancer survivor and active in volunteer organizations that encourage men and women to get appropriate screenings. Bobbi Barrasso is a 15-year breast cancer survivor and active in volunteer organizations providing mammograms, low-cost screenings, and health services. Both are members of the Congressional Families Cancer Prevention program of the Prevent Cancer Foundation. They are the spouses of U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso.


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