Students earn break after major fundraiser

The annual Make-A-Wish fundraiser is over for another year, but for Green River High School Student Council Sponsor Amanda Santhuff, she is sad it has ended.

“Personally, I love the two hectically busy weeks, so I feel a little sad once it’s over,” Santhuff said. “I think for the students it definitely feels like a relief!”

She said the student council takes a short break to allow everyone to catch up with their lives after the busy two-week fundraising period. After a couple of weeks, Santhuff said the students get together and reflect on how it went.

“I believe that coming back together after having some time off has a good impact on what we want Make-A-Wish to look like next year,” she said.

The fundraiser in Sweetwater County is important to Wyoming Make-A-Wish as it and other school-sponsored fundraisers across the state contribute to a sizable portion of its annual budget. Santhuff said that fact isn’t lost on her students. She said the kids want to beat previous amounts raised each year and take pride in how much they raise for the organization. Of the most successful fundraising events they host, Santhuff said dodgeball is one of the most popular they host.

“It gets our students involved in some friendly competition, and they absolutely live for that sort of entertainment,” Santhuff said.

This year, Taco Time’s fundraising night also resulted in a lot of donations to the cause. Santhuff said the businesses participating during the two-week period make up a significant portion of the amounts students raise. According to Santhuff, that support is greatly appreciated by the students.

For now, Santhuff said students have 10 months until planning for the next Make-A-Wish fundraiser. Even the small things, like selling hat passes at GRHS and collecting money during passing periods takes effort by the dedicated group of students involved.

“Throughout the fundraising period we have kids here and there working every waking hour of the day for something or another, even if it’s just the little things,” Santhuff said. “It all takes time and effort.”


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