Letter: More good people with guns needed

Dear Editor,

The big Feb. 14, Florida mass school shooting (and previous several), show that too many good people are helpless against determined deviants and killers. They are unarmed, untrained for any defense and essentially naked and afraid. Helpless.

In another small state -- Israel -- these type of things don’t go on for dozens and dozens of victims, especially when perpetrated by one guy. Israelis live in an atmosphere of the constant possibility of serious attacks, not just by crazies or mentals, but well-planned terrorists. Buses, schools, malls, churches -- every populated place. How do they reduce, mitigate or halt senseless chain massacres and one-after-the-other slaughters? The good people, lots of them, carry guns. They are not naked and cowering. They shoot back, right there.

In the U.S., it is pretty much only the bad guys who are armed, (and always will be) among the crowds of “nice,” respectable people. Hence the gratuitous, unchecked carnages. No bullets going the other way. Notice that with few exceptions, these mass murders are stopped with a bullet, the thug’s own or someone else’s! When second count, the cops are just minutes away.

Teachers and other legal adults -- coaches, janitors, staff, nurses -- even parents should be allowed to carry.

Leave it to the states to set “qualifications.” Unlike driving on government roads, bearing arms is a right.

One, two, maybe five will die in the next rampage, but not dozens. Also, they’d “get the right guy.” The sobering thought of a deadly return fire would give pause pr deterrence to many would-be “record setters.”

On a defensive/passive side note: we used to have fire equipment in schools that said, “In case of fire, break glass.”

Our kids are in killer traps. Teach and promote chairs, rocks, hammers to the windows. Even third-story jumps are survivable. “In case of firing, break glass,” a slogan to live by.


Dennis Brossman



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