Varsity debaters host tournament

The Green River speech and debate novice team gained competition experience, while varsity learned how to host a tournament.

The Green River High School Speech and Debate varsity team had a break from the competition Dec. 8-9 when they hosted GR’s tournament. Although they had a break from competition, that didn’t mean they weren’t working hard.

“Varsity went above and beyond. It was one of the best ran tournaments we’ve hosted. Everything stayed on schedule. No major problems,” Jason Grubb, assistant speech and debate coach, said. “During the tournament, varsity played key roles in assigning judges, tabulating scores, unlocking doors, cleaning up the building, making sure people found their way to the different rooms and organizing an awards ceremony. Our varsity squad took care of everything. It was impressive.”

Hosting a tournament is a way to play an active role in the Wyoming Speech and Debate community, Grubb said.

“We travel to many tournaments hosted by other schools and teams. Doing our part by hosting a tournament helps everyone in Wyoming Speech and Debate by providing an opportunity for teams to compete,” he said. “Speech and debate competitions would not happen if school’s did not host tournaments.” 

Novice did compete at the GR tourney, which had 14 teams in attendance, and they continue to learn and improve in their individual and partner events, Grubb said. The home tourney also provides novice with another opportunity to compete where friends and family can observe them.

“We have a great community and several friends, family and community members had the opportunity to see what speech and debate is all about,” he said. 

“Competitive speaking is different than non competitive speaking. Our novice are still learning and growing,” Grubb said. “The purpose of novice competition is to provide these learning opportunities before novice compete as varsity, which all novice do after Jan. 1.”

The team wanted to thank the community for volunteering to be judges and making donations for the tournament’s hospitality room.

GR novice results

Policy debate: Alexandira Erdmann and Madi Young, third place

Lincoln Douglas debate closed out: Caeden Grubb and Laura Cecilia tied for first place; Jessica Petri, third place

Poetry interpretation: Trista Parry and Eli Thomas tied for fifth place, Olivia Nielsen and Elora Siler, semifinalists

Duo interpretation: Trista Parry and Amber Gambles, first place, Elijah Kropf and Eli Thomas, second place

Oratory: Nele Kohler, fourth place, Caeden Grubb, semifinalist

Humorous interpretation: Jaron Shereda, first place, Amber Gambles, second place, Elijah Kropf, third place, Wolfgang Dittman, fourth place, Laura Cecilia, semifinalist

Dramatic Interpretation: Kami Lloyd, third place, Jaron Shereda, fifth place

Other awards

Jessica Petri was awarded Best Speaker in novice Lincoln Douglas Debate and Amber Gambles was awarded Best Novice All Around, an award to the novice who places the highest in the most events.


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