Decision on request postponed

Finding a temporary shelter if there is an emergency is hard enough for a family, but what about for those who are dependent on others.

At the Sweetwater County Commissioners meeting Thursday, the Commissioners asked for more time to consider a request from Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center to make Golden Hour Senior Center its temporary shelter in case of an emergency.

The request for more time was made by the Commissioners when they discovered they would need to draft memorandums of understanding with the other groups, which will take some time.

Prior to the meeting, GHSC executive director Sheela Schermetzler said because the request being made was at a county-owned facility she had to bring the issue before the Commissioners.

Bobbi Jo Drozd, CRRC Executive Director, if there was an emergency and power was cut off at Mission, they would need to had a temporary shelter that had an backup generator. 

Drozd said with new regulations coming forward because of the problems nursing homes endured during the recent hurricanes, the center is taking a proactive approach and enhancing its emergency protocols. Even though the center has agreements with the Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County and Sageview Care Center, she was told those facilities are too far away and they need to find something to meet their needs in town.

They are now required to work with local agencies to have an extensive evacuation plan in place, she said.

Drozd said they had to find a place that would have a backup generator and kitchen for their clients.

At first, they were looking at schools and then realized this was something the senior center had since is was old Roosevelt School. Plus, it’s just down the street from the center.

Even though the state just surveyed CRRC last week and passed them on their emergency plan, the center wants to work ahead and get the plan in place.

“Anytime you have to evacuate, it’s going to be difficult,” Drozd said. 

During the meeting, the Commissioners wanted a memorandum on understanding drawn up between the county, Mission at Castle Rock and GHSC.

Chairman Reid West told Drozd and Schermetzler that they better have someone double check the generator and make sure it can handle plugging everything into it. He also suggested Drozd work with Sweetwater County Emergency Management to see if they could help with the plan.

Human Resources director Garry McLean said the MOU will identify the responsibilities of each and entity in the MOU.

Since the issue isn’t a pressing matter and CRRC was just approved on its emergency preparedness plan, the Commission decided they would revisit the issue in a month.


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