Wyoming Delegation should oppose FCC

Dear Sen. John Barrasso, Sen. Mike Enzi and Rep. Liz Cheney:

Wyoming’s delegation should not support the Federal Communication Commission’s proposed changes to rules commonly known as net neutrality.

Should Congress allow this to proceed, the end result will allow a few massive corporations control of how the internet is utilized by customers and businesses and will harm economic competition, stifling new ideas and innovations.

For customers, the proposed changes could drastically change how the Internet is used and billed. Bills could begin to look more like cable television plans where people not only pay a basic access, but tiers based on how they plan to use the Internet. Customers could pay additional rates to access services like Hulu and Youtube, or even to access services likes Apple’s FaceTime or Facebook Messenger’s video calls. This would inhibit some customers’ use of the Internet as people with lower incomes may not be able to pay for access to the same Internet services others can.

Internet service providers would also be free to work out deals to provide data from certain companies, like Netflix, at no extra cost while data from Hulu could come at an extra fee. For companies like Facebook, Amazon and Google, this isn’t a major problem, but startups and smaller businesses may find themselves in an unfair marketplace where the larger players have better access to customers through their partnerships with internet service providers.

This situation could extend to other online media, where a partnership with Fox News or CNN would result in one company’s content being prioritized over others.

I realize some of those telecommunications companies were donors to your campaigns. According to Opensecrets.org, Sen. Enzi received a total of $110,950 from Comcast Corp., AT&T Inc., and Verizon Communications. Sen. Barrasso received $95,300 from those three while Rep. Cheney received $16,500. For many Wyoming residents, those figures amount to a lot of money, but money alone shouldn’t be swaying your votes. Your duty is to represent Wyoming’s residents and look out for their best interests, not your campaign donors.

The internet, as it is regulated, provides fair access to all and a fair marketplace to businesses. Without the rules providing Net Neutrality, we will certainly see negative impacts to the internet and those who rely upon it.

Please end your support of the FCC’s proposed changes.


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