Letter: Travelers Assistance Society gives aid

Dear Editor,

Wyoming is a big beautiful state enjoyed by many people driving through from one destination to another. Many times, people stop to enjoy one of the many wonderful sites Wyoming has to offer.

There are a few times though when travel difficulties leave people stranded as they try to make their way across. Travelers Assistance Society of Sweetwater County (TASSC) exists to help those in need when their plans come to an unexpected halt.

Providing proper assistance to those in need is guided by many years of service and Biblical principles. Sometimes people come to try and take advantage of free gas, lodging, or food. Other times the assistance TASSC can provide doesn’t feel like enough, but it is always the best that can be done in the moment. There are a few occasions where the timely letter of an assisted traveller arrives in the mail to encourage the good work of TASSC. Most of the work goes unnoticed by those in Sweetwater County, but the impression of Wyomingites on those outside of this county is one of kindness and generosity.

This past summer, Nya, Haya, Beth, and Belinda, were traveling from Washington to Nebraska to attend two funerals of friends who died tragically. These four young women were well on their journey when they had a car accident that left the vehicle totaled. That’s when the local police contacted TASSC seeking to provide assistance for these now stranded women. TASSC was first able to provide the women a night of lodging at a local motel so they could rest while other travel was arranged. Early the next morning, thanks to a series of very fortunate and well timed events involving a Greyhound driver, two willing passengers, and God’s providence, Nya, Haya, Beth, and Belinda, were all able to continue their journey to Nebraska. They were able to call later and thank TASSC for helping them finally attend the funerals with their grieving friends and family. Each week TASSC is able to help be a part of these small miracles in the lives of people just passing through Sweetwater County. Sometime people remember the help they received and call or write to say thanks. TASSC is a local organization supported by the generous donations and gifts from citizens in this county. The assistance that TASSC provides is only made possible by the charitable contributions of people in Sweetwater County and beyond. On behalf of Nya, Haya, Beth, Belinda, and countless others, TASSC would like to say thank you for those who financially support this organization.

For most passing through Wyoming, a passing smile and wave is the only impression they will get of a Wyomingite. For the few that may find themselves stranded and in need of assistance, they will get to experience the kindness of strangers, the generosity of a community, and the helpfulness of an organization, all made possible by your many gifts and donations.

If you are not already a supporter of TASSC and would like to be, please contact TASSC by phone at 1-307-362-8910 or by mail TASSC, P.O. Box 1194, Green River, WY 82935. TASSC can also be found online at http://www.tasscwy.org.

Joel Fauntleroy

Green River


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